Building a brand identity for Meta’s largest internal corporate communications channel.

Meta “What’s Happening@” Brand

There is a plethora of content on Meta’s internal corporate communications channel that range from episodic video series, live Q&As with leadership, high-priority announcements, and more that reach all of the company’s 60k+ employees everyday. The goal is to gather and release all content under one location.

Art Director and Senior Designer


Tech, Media, Art Direction, Visual Identity

Challenge was to house all content under one place and give an overarching brand identity that employees can attribute high-quality, companywide information and announcements from senior leadership to consistently.

Initial exploration was focused on engineering-minded direction for the brand visual, while still aligning with overall Meta brand to be evergreen.

Early exploration on idea of engineering and design motifs

Final design landed on the bright color palette and code blocks-inspired visual identity. The brand was immediately applied to all channels throughout internal workplace and to be incorporated for all future content as a companywide standard.

End card appears on all content to establish the branded communications and call to action

Design Credits
Phillip Du, Darasavanh Navasak, Bryan Decán


Meta F8 Brand and Production


Music Visual Illustration and Spotify Canvas