Designing a brand for an agency that helps companies build brands by leveraging new tech

MadValley Labs Brand Identity

MadValley needed help developing a brand identity for their agency that was started by industry veterans from ad tech, consultancies, financial services, and more with extensive background in tech from Silicon Valley and marketing in New York City.


Art Director and Senior Designer

Art Direction, Visual Identity, Brand

Early concepts

The challenge was to create a modern logo that emphasized the bridging of the two key industries that MadValley presented itself.

Early concepts with the team lead to a “bridge” motif within the symbol and logotype.

Final Logotype

Finalized logotype launched and rapidly rolled out to all of their materials and allowed them to quickly ramp up to pitch to clients and land large consultancy workshop and projects for various companies such as Verizon.

Final Symbol

Design Credits
Phillip Du, Nate Lassiter


Verizon Smart Home App Prototype


(Draft) Meta Eng Fair Event Brand